Collaborations that protect our planet
We are proud of the difference we have been able to make thanks to our valued collaborators. From growing the movement to telling the world about it, our dedicated collaborators have played a major role in making Earth Hour the biggest grassroots movement for the environment in history. If you are from an organisation that wants to join the Earth Hour family, please get in touch via

Unsplash for Good supports charities and organizations by building awareness on global issues through visual content, focusing on causes such as environmental concerns and social injustices. For Earth Hour 2024, Unsplash is inviting its community of creators to Give an hour for Earth by capturing awe-inspiring shots of our planet. By using their creative skills and reconnecting with nature, they can help the world see our planet through a new lens, reminding them of its beauty - and fragility - and inspiring more people to protect our one shared home.

Scouting plays an important role in connecting people with the natural world, especially given the increasing disconnect of young people from the natural environment. With World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) support, we can leverage on the ‘moment’ of Earth Hour to kick-start and engage hundreds of millions of people worldwide to take action and understand the interconnectivity of people and our environment.

As Global Kids' Ambassadors for Earth Hour since 2010, Pocoyo and his friends (Elly & Pato) have helped raise the profile of the Earth Hour movement by encouraging people to support the cause and educating future generations on our planet and its environment.
Celebrate the #BiggestHourForEarth with Pocoyo and friends here!

YMCA is the oldest and one of the largest youth organisations in the world, empowering, inspiring and mobilising young people to find and share their voice on the issues that matter to them, their communities, and the world.
Technical Collaborators